What i s
TeamSTEPPS 3.0?
TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) is a program designed t o improve communication and team work in health care settings. It includes training for involving patients and family caregivers in care discussions and emphasizes the importance of a diverse workforce to build trust and improve communication.

Master Trainer Course
Dr. Burgess is a certified TeamSTEPPS 3.0 Master Trainer.
We offer a comprehensive one-day (8-hour) TeamSTEPPS Master Training course, available in person or virtually. This course gives attendees the skills to implement AHRQ's TeamSTEPPS tools within their health care teams.
Upon completion, participants will be equipped to apply the TeamSTEPPS curriculum with their staff and providers.

TeamSTEPPS Master Training
Teamwork, Communication and Perinatal Safety
Effective teamwork and communication are crucial for
high-quality patient care. According to a Joint Commission review, poor communication caused 48% of maternal sentinel events and 70% of neonatal sentinel events between 2004 and 2014.
Key issues include over-reliance on technology and inadequate handoff practices, which often lead to errors. Standardized communication strategies can improve teamwork and enhance patient safety.