Consulting and Educational Services
Empowering Teams, Transforming Care

At Adriane L. Burgess & Associates, we provide tailored consulting and education offerings to organizations such as hospital associations and other maternal health organizations. Our expert-led solutions help organizations address challenges unique to the specialty of maternal health.
Consulting Services
Our team of expert consultants can support your organization in various ways.
Expert witness and legal consultation
Strategic planning for system-wide maternal health improvements.
Guiding regulatory compliance and risk mitigation specific to perinatal care
Mentorship and training on quality and safety principles for OB nurse and physician leaders
Leading maternal health clinical quality collaboratives or organization-wide task forces aimed at improving maternal health outcomes
Supporting the development of recommendations or White Papers on strategies to improve maternal health
Evaluating the provision of obstetric care in nonobstetric settings such as in the Emergency Department, Critical Access Hospitals, or with EMS.
Perinatal data collection, as well as strategies to build comprehensive programs that support analysis and reporting of perinatal quality and safety data
Educational Services
Dynamic TeamSTEPPS training programs
Training for nurses or providers in perinatal safety
Workshops on obstetric safety and high-risk scenarios

Collaborative, Evidence-Based Solutions
Through consulting and education, we partner with you to drive meaningful improvements in care and safety. Our hands-on approach ensures practical, impactful, customized solutions aligned with your organizations's goals.